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Outstanding October: Part 1 - The Forgotten World Highway & New Plymouth

It's here! Week three of my "Oustanding October" series! What's that? You missed week two's post? No worries...I got you covered. Click the link below to catch up and then come on back to continue reading about week three!🙂 CLICK >>>  Outstanding October: Northern Beaches, Geocaching, & Friends  <<< School was back in session this week after the two weeks of break. Emily had a twin dress-up day and Ava and I hit the beach. The water was still a bit cool for swimming, but that didn't stop her from running along the shore! Emily & her friend on Twin Day! Charge! I only had a four day work week as I took Friday off to get an early start on the weekend with Annika & Clara! Monday, October 22nd, was New Zealand's Labor Day so we already had a three day weekend. Our plan was to drive the Forgotten World Highway, see Mt. Taranaki, visit Elephant Rock and the 3 Sisters, go to some waterfalls, and geocache (of cours...

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